Monday, July 25, 2011

It's as if I've been living out of a suitcase this whole month.  I pack, go, come home, do laundry, pack, go again, then come home, just to do it all again.  I've just been keeping the suitcases out in the hallway instead of putting them away. 

It's been a crazy run of things lately but I'm not complaining.  There have been a lot of fun activities and events to do this summer, pretty much all requiring overnight stays and driving.  My family lives hours away, so getting together requires planning and at least a couple free days to get together.  Sometimes (many times) I wish all my peeps lived within a 10-mile-or-so radius.  I'd love to be able to pop in at my Mom's house for coffee, stop by my sister's to chat, or pick up my nephews and get ice cream.  I just tell myself that the distance makes our time together more special.  Sometimes that makes me feel better.  And I look forward to the next time we'll be together.

This weekend my family is coming up for a visit.  It's a great time of year to visit here.  Last weekend we went up north to prepare our cabin for our visitors.  It's nice to have company once in a while like that, to clean the cobs out. 

In the middle of the day on Sunday we took a boat ride on the lake to cool off, and I snapped this photo of an eagle preparing to scoop down for a fish.  It isn't rare to see an eagle in this area, but it still makes me stop in my tracks when I see one.

It was nice to stop in my tracks for a few minutes.
Now I have to go unpack and do some laundry.  

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