The past few summers of drought have allowed us to ignore the chronic issue of our leaky basement foundation. Our farmhouse is at least 100 years old, and the thick foundation is a patchwork of large stones and concrete that has been mended throughout the years. With heavy rains, the water pours in from all directions; so much that last week I circled each sprouting spring with a piece of chalk to show the foundation man when he's here.
My mission in the next few days is to empty the basement of all contents - dead mice, spider webs and all. It goes against my nature to throw my own things away (but I'm fantastic at helping others get rid of their stuff!) so it has been mentally draining. This morning I watched my husband drive away with a wagon full of my junk, destination dumpster. He was giddy, I'm sure. He is not a saver and he just doesn't understand...
So if you've been looking for a rusty minnow bucket, a metal Sears sled, a wooden milking stool or an 8-foot artificial Christmas tree that won't fit back in the box - I'm your woman. But you better act fast. Another wagon load will be leaving tomorrow morning.